(Adopted by the General Assmbly Meeting held on December 31. 2002)
1. This Committee has been formed based on article 5 of the ICKF International Grading System Regulations(”the Regulations”).These Guidelines and procedures(”the Guidelines”or”these Guidelines “)are issued in accordance with article 8 of the regulations.
2. In accordance with article 6 of the regulations, this Committee shall be the highest world authority for the grading of Kuoshu practitioners. All ICKF-Recognised National Federations shall use these Guidelines as a model for establishing their own detailed guidelines and procedures.It is essential that their own guidelines and procedures are to gain the approval of this Committee.
3. This Committee will consist of one Chairman, 2 Deputy Chairmen, and between 7 to 11 members who have been appointed in accordance with article 5 of the Regulations.
4. This Committee will be sub-divided into 4 sections made of committee members as follows:-
a.Grading Eligibility Section 2 to 4 members
b.Enforcement Section 2 members
c.Research&Development Section 2 members
d.Secretarial Section a certain number of members with one acting as secretary appointed by the ICKF
5. The Committee’s Chairman is ultimately responsible for overall organisation, planning and convening of meetings and enforcement of all issues relating to the International Kuoshu Grading System in accordance with the Regulations.
6. The responsibilites of each section are as follows:-
a. Grading Eligibility Section
Approving grading applications provided they satisfy the criteria set out in articles 15 and 18 of the Regulations.
b. Enforcement Section
Administer the Grading examinations and enforcement of all rules enacted by the Committee.
c. Research & Development
Study, research and develop different styles and techniques in order to promote Kuoshu throughout the world.
d. Secretarial Section
Provide secretarial support to the Committee, record keeping and accounting and other office/secretarial duties.
7. The Committee will meet, at the request of the Chairmen , at least once a year.Extiaordingary meetings may be called if necessary.
8. With the approval of the Committee’s Chairman, each section may meet as often as is required to discharge their responsibilities.
9. Chih Grading Examinations may be held by coaches of 4th Tuan or above or by any authorized organisation in accordance with articles 15, 16 and 17 of the Regulations.
10.For Tuan Grading Examinations, the candidate will be examined by the appropriate Kuoshu Grading Panel(”the Panel”)appointed by this Committee as follows:-
a. 1st to 3rd Tuan
The Panel will consist of 3 or more members of at least 4th Tuan. 2 or more of the Panel members must agree to the candidate’s promotion.
b. 4th to 6th Tuan
Two-thirds of the Panel must be present and to pass, the candidate must have the approval of 50﹪ or more of those Panel members who are present.
c. 7th tp 9th Tuan
two-thirds of the Panel must be present and to pass, the candidate must have the approval of two-thirds or more of those Panel members who are present.
d. 10th Tuan
All members of the Panel must be present and to pass, the candidate must have the approval of 75﹪or more of the Panel’s members.
11.referring to Article 9 of the this Guidelines and procedures,Chi Grading Examinations will be held on a frequent basis by qualified coaches in the training organizations or schools where they coach.
12.Tuan Grading examinations will be held by this Committee generally 1-2 times a year with the procedures as follows:
a. to announce and accept the requisition for Tuan Grading Examinations 40 days before Examinations.
b. To stop receiving the requisition 30 days before Examinations
c. To Complete exmination 20 days after receiving the requisition, with a letter sent to candidates confirming the results of the exmination.
d. Public announcement regarding successful candidates and conferring the sash(belt)may be made at the same time or at a later date.
13.The grading examination fees inclusive of sash and certificate are as follows:
a. Chih 6 to Chih 1:USD$60
b. Chih 1 to Tuan 1:USD$300
c. Tuan 1 to Tuan 2:USD$400
d. Tuan 2 to Tuan 3:USD$500
e. Tuan 3 to Tuan 4:USD$600
f. Tuan 4 to Tuan 5:USD$700
g. Tuan 5 to Tuan 6:USD$800
h. Tuan 6 to Tuan 7:USD$900
i. Tuan 7 to Tuan 8:USD$1,000
j. Tuan 8 to Tuan 9:USD$1,200
k. Promote to Tuan 10 Free
14.All fees must be received in advance(by the date specified by the Committee)and are non-refundable.
15.These Guidelines and Procedures have been approved by the Committee; any amendents must similarly be approved by the commitee.